Sunday, April 12, 2009

How do I take care of my pomegranate?

I have a pomegranate tree which blloms every year but most of the blooms fall off.What fruit I get never fully matures.What can I do to get good fruit.I have heard several stories about how to take care of it but I need some really good advice.

How do I take care of my pomegranate?
Pomegranate likes fairly long, hot, dry summers for good fruit production and if conditions are not warm or dry enough during the year, this could cause fruit drop. Also, the trees are not so tolerant of wet feet so, if possible, cut back on the irrigation a little--particularly if conditions are not as warm as usual for this time of year. The tree may also benefit from some pruning after fruiting this year to regenerate new fruiting branches for future years.
Reply:send it to e, i love that fruit
Reply:eat it

skin color charts

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