Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pomegranate? Healthy Food Choice?

What does it do for your body?

How many calories is it?

Anything else about pomegranates?

Pomegranate? Healthy Food Choice?

First of all a pomegrante is a very healthy choice for your body. Any fruit and vegetable is good for your body. A whole pomegranate has a total of 105 calories. A pomegranate is considered an antioxidant. What this means is that it fights free radicals inside your body. Free radicals are agents(chemicals) inside your body, that are made from toxins that enter your body. For example if you second hand smoke, the toxins that go inside your body will create these chemicals called free Radicals.

Once they are inside your body they slowly destroy any nearby tissue. A pomegranate helps kill these free radicals and therefore keeping you healthier and giving you a longer life. A very good choice to go with!


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